Yesterday I got lost in thought about the house I grew up in: there was a radio station right behind it that played oldies music, and sometimes the electronics in the house would pick up radio waves - for instance when you would open the stove or pick up the telephone, you could hear oldies. It. Was. Awesome.
There was a staircase in the entryway, with a huge wooden banister that my brother & sister & I used to slide down. My sister once carved her name into the banister, and somehow managed to convince my parents I did it, so I would get in trouble. I still pout about this.
It had a huge back yard where there was honeysuckle & lilies, and a vegetable garden. When we tilled the soil for the garden there for the first time, we found a real arrowhead.
I knew every single person who lived on the street. A few of them were like family.
So many of my childhood memories revolved around that house, and the neighborhood.
Yesterday that house was hit by a tornado. I've been watching the footage on the news, and I just can't process it. The entire neighborhood is gone. The elementary school I went to is gone. They are still trying to find children who are missing and trapped inside of it.
I'm feeling heartbroken. I didn't sleep last nite, because I couldn't stop thinking about friends who lost their homes and everything they own. One of my friends can't even get to the site where her home was to salvage anything before another storm hits today. So many people have lost children and loved ones.
I'm feeling lucky, because everyone I know - my parents, siblings, friends - are all accounted for and safe.
I'm feeling guilty because I'm here, not there. I feel like I should be doing something to help. For now I will do so by passing on this list of ways that you can help.
*photos via cnn