Because I'm on a lifelong quest to live (happily) with less, I decided that over spring break I was going to simplify even further by really looking at the things I own, and really thinking about not only their purpose and my affection towards them, but also the energy that they bring into my home.
I did my monthly purge/spring cleaning a couple of weeks ago, and while I was in the middle of it I kept thinking about getting rid of my bed frame. I've toyed with this idea for quite some time, but I could never convince Bryan.
This time I presented to him a speech about energy, and how the bed was mine, before it was ours, and how I felt it was affecting the chi of our house and our relationship because there could be negative energy associated with it (I'm good, right?!) and he said he would give it a try. We decided we would take the bed apart and put the frame away for one week before making a final decision.
The next day we took the bed apart, and right away we both felt the difference in the room. We decided to get rid of it immediately instead of waiting a week. (I put it on craigslist and it was gone in a couple of hours!)
The room feels SO much better. It's lighter, there's more open space, and I have never slept better. (The floor actually provides better support than the slats that were on the frame.)
People always ask me if I've ever regretted getting rid of something, and the answer is no. Getting rid of things only inspires me to see what else I can live without. Minimalism doesn't just mean living with less, it's a mindset that I find to be absolutely priceless.